Game Over Mania this time presents you the solution Tales from the Borderlands 1 (Zer0 sum). This brand new game signed Telltale Games is available on almost all machines: PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Android and iOS.
Owl ! a new Borderlands !!! Yes but this one is very different from the others. This saga was until now synonymous with a game halfway between FPS and Hack n 'slash, in a post-apocalyptic universe well barred and very cartoonish graphics. Forget the FPS and hack n 'slash side. Keep the mood going and forget about the rest. Our friends from Telltale Games took care of the game. We are therefore dealing with a game in accordance with their habits: a point and click in episodic version, with a worked scenario, characters hollowed out and a narration with small onions. Chronologically located after Borderlands 2, this game will make you live adventures through the eyes of 2 characters: Rhys and Fiona. As usual with Telltale, we have a high quality game, which fits perfectly into the universe. Borderlands. We just can't wait to start the next episode!
We therefore provide you with the Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 1, in the form of 7 videos captured by Dave McCauley. Have fun !
Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 1
We thus come to the end of our Soluce Tales from the Borderlands 1 (Zer0 Sum). We hope you found it useful or at least entertaining! Do not hesitate to share our articles around you or via social networks. Send us your remarks or comments, take the time to consult the other articles on the site gameovermania.com to discover all the solutions, the complete guides or the tips to help you finish your favorite games and see you soon on our pages.
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