Hello everyone and welcome to you on the site Game Over Mania. We always try to give the best of ourselves to provide you with the best solutions for your favorite video games. Today we offer you the solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga. In this article you will indeed find the complete guide to succeeding the forty levels of the Camatuga archipelago through videos and photos that will allow you to visualize the solutions. If you do not yet know this fantastic game that is Bridge Constuctor, I invite you to test it, it is available on many media. The principle is simple: you will have to build bridges to connect two specific places. You will understand it is a bit of a headache but very addicting game. The great strength of this game is that there are several ways to overcome it, we will try to give you the best solutions.
Here is the solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga in videos and images (indeed the complete solutions are not all available on Youtube, they usually stop at the sixth bridge!). So here's how this article is organized. You will first find a video of Claude1080 which lasts 16 min 30 and which offers you all the levels of Camatuga (Westlands, Central Mainland, The Ridge, Eastern Mainland, Tamassee). Only as I told you, you will only have 6 bridges each time.
Solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga - the first six bridges of each level
I now offer you the rest of this solution with photos of decks 7 and 8 for each level.
Solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga - Westlands - Bridges 7 and 8:
Solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga - Central Mainland - Bridges 7 and 8:
Solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga - The Ridge - Bridges 7 and 8
Solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga - Eastern Mainland - Bridges 7 and 8
Solution for Bridge Constructor Camatuga - Tamassee - Bridges 7 and 8
Here is this guide is now finished, you have all the levels of Camatuga. I will meet you very soon for the other levels in addition, SlopeMania. See you soon !
Internet search:
- bridge constructor solution
- bridge constructor solution
- bridge constructor walkthrough
- bridge constructor walkthrough
- bridge constructor pont 7
- sulusion bridge constructor
- bridge constructor
- tamassee deck 8
- pont 7 bridge constructor
- bridge constructor tip