![Solution for Forgotten Hill Surgery, emergencies](/images/posts/dd905be326410d4df371d186971808b1-0.jpg)
Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover today the presentation of the solution for Forgotten Hill Surgery. This is another game from FM Studios that is part of the Forgotten Hill series. For those who do not know, these are puzzle and escape games that are very weird, a bit like those from Rusty Lake studios but more gory and more “horrific”. If you are a little sensitive, I advise you to go your way for this episode.
Here you woke up in a horror clinic. This is held by Colonel McMillan. Everything is tasty, with animals, an oppressive atmosphere and things to do a little disgusting. But you will have to go through it so as not to go through it too. The levels are complex and the puzzles are sometimes really difficult. There is blood everywhere, sensitive soul abstain. The video solution should help you progress because it is not easy. Are you going to make it out and stay alive?
This Solution for Forgotten Hill Surgery on Android is offered by the FM studios chain. It lasts about 20 minutes and will allow you to finish this episode quietly.
Solution for Forgotten Hill Surgery:
The complete video guide
And here it is Solution for Forgotten Hill Surgery on Android is now complete. We hope that it has been useful to you and that thanks to it you have been able to move forward and finish this new puzzle and escape game. If so, so much the better! Come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video games. Thanks everyone for reading us! Please support us on social media to encourage us to continue our work. See you soon on our pages!