Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover without further delay the presentation of the solution for The Mooseman. This is a puzzle adventure game developed by Morteshka and published by the same studios. It was released on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Android, and Nintendo Switch. He came out a little while ago, but we had passed by.
It is a bit difficult to present the title to you because it is based on ancient myths from the countries of the North, but from the Nordic countries. here we are talking about Siberia for example and in particular of Permian animal myth. It is an animal representation dating from the Siberian Middle Ages and the people who lived there then: the Ugrians (among others). Around this myth, we also find the vertical division of the universe into three worlds: the lower world for the oceans, the middle world for men and the upper world for the gods. You play as a character capable of navigating between worlds and having to find different artefacts by solving puzzles.
This solution for The Mooseman is offered by Maka91Productions with a complete guide to finish the game 100% and successfully unlock all the trophies.
Solution for The Mooseman:
The complete video guide
And here it is solution for The Mooseman on Android, PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch is now complete. We hope that it has been useful to you and that thanks to it you have been able to move forward and finish this new puzzle adventure game. If so, so much the better! Come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video gamess. Thanks everyone for reading us! Please support us on social media to encourage us to continue our work. See you soon on our pages!