Game Over Mania today focuses on the solution for Angry Birds Star Wars. The mythical sagas of Rovio and George Lucas blend happily in this available title… on just about any medium that exists!
Okay, this time I think we can really skip the introductions. That whoever has never played or heard of Angry Birds denounces itself! And you must detail this monument that is Star Wars in popular culture? So here, we are entitled to the famous game, transposed into the world of films. If you are a fan of Star Wars, you will cry with happiness when you see all the winks that dot this pane of angry birds. But more than the dressing, this Angry Birds takes the opportunity to enrich itself with small gameplay novelties related to the characteristics of the heroes. Thus, we find a Obi Wan who can use force to project elements of scenery, Luke can cut materials with his sword or He who can fire his blaster.
We therefore present the solution for Angry Birds Star Wars, through these 20 videos captured by ZackScottGames. Have fun… and may the Force be with you!
Solution for Angry Birds Star Wars
We also remind you that all the solutions in the suite, Angry Birds Star Wars II is available here !
This brings us to the end of the solution for Angry Birds Star Wars. We hope you found it useful or at least entertaining! Do not hesitate to share our articles around you or via social networks. Send us your remarks or comments, take the time to consult the other articles on the site gameovermania.com to discover all the solutions, the complete guides or the tips to help you finish your favorite games and see you soon on our pages.
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