Game Over Mania offers Super Mario 64 solutions. After ten years of reign without sharing or almost on the universe of the 2D platform. Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64 was the first 3D game featuring the famous plumber Mario. Explore and uncover the secrets of Peach Castle, find the 120 stars and beat Bowser once again with this solution.
Super Mario 64 solutions will guide you through all the levels of the game. Each level of the game contains six stars to be collected independently of each other and in any order. At the entrance of the world, the name of the first of the six searched stars appears, its title containing a clue supposed to put us on the way. Because if the configuration of the worlds does not really change depending on the chosen mission, the clue in question must be enough to point us in a different direction each time.
The strength of Super Mario 64 was to offer a sufficiently large and diversified set of levels, with progressive difficulty, the last stars being particularly difficult to obtain in levels where the scenery is in perpetual movement. If you have never been able to complete this game, then follow the following videos of Super Mario 64 solutions presented by Volvagia on its Youtube channel…
Part 1: Like you’ve never seen it before…
Part 2: Chillin’ in the Dark World
Part 3: Slides, Red Coins and Power Stars…
Part 4: Swimming in the Fire Sea
Part 5: The Basement and Whomps Fortress
Part 6: Upstairs in the Castle…
Part 7: The End
Super Mario 64 clearly established itself as a timeless video game classic. Suffering virtually no major flaw, fine-tuned to perfection and enjoying optimal playability, it was able to lay the foundations of 3D platforming brilliantly.
We hope that Super Mario 64 solutions will have allowed you to finish this cult game or to recall good memories. We wish you soon on the site Game Over Mania
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