Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover without further delay the presentation of the solution for Days Gone. It is an excluded PS4 offered by Sony Bend Studio. This is an open world game in which you will have to survive hordes of zombies. It feels like the Walking Dead. Your character occupies more of his time repairing his motorcycle, finding gas and something to survive. He will be able to improve his weapons and do the missions in the order he wants.
Really well done, solution Days Gone manages to make a place for itself in the sun during this somewhat hollow outing period. In addition by being a Sony exclusive, of quality, it ensures an exclusive community of players who will support it. Even if it is not free from flaws, the adventure is ultimately quite catchy. He actually fishes by arriving a little too late since open worlds and zombies have been treated in just about every way imaginable. Suddenly we really have the impression that the title tries to take everything that made the success of the other titles: a very large world, full full of missions (and therefore some of them really painful), an RPG side to improve his motorcycle and his weapons ... In short, nothing new, only déjà vu. Nevertheless, the first feedback from the players is rather positive, which is why this video walkthrough should help you progress.
This solution for Days Gone is offered by Shirrako, in English, with a comprehensive guide consisting of 28 videos. Lets' go !
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10; Part 11; Part 12
Part 13; Part 14; Part 15; Part 16; Part 17; Part 18; Part 19; Part 20; Part 21; Part 22; Part 23
Part 24; Part 25; Part 26; Part 27; Part 28
And here it is Solution for Days Gone on PS4 is now complete. We hope that it has been useful to you and that thanks to it you have been able to move forward and finish this new adventure and survival game. If so, so much the better! Come back and read us every day to discover new solutions for all your favorite video games every day. Thanks everyone for reading us! Please support us on social media to encourage us to continue our work. See you soon on our pages!
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