Complete Solution of the Detective Grimoire Game!

Complete Solution of the Detective Grimoire Game!

Note that this game is also available on Android and like any good game, we could not leave you without a Complete walkthrough of the game Detective Grimoire. This solution is intended for those who are still tearing their hair out on this game and who are too proud to ask for help ...


Detective Grimoire : Secret of the Swamp on Android and iPhone is an adventure game that takes us to a tourist swamp. The creature that lives there is accused of murder. By questioning witnesses and uncovering clues, Grimoire must uncover the truth. Who is Grimoire? it is a Detective who was called in to investigate this murder.

The game is quite short (3 hours of play on our side), so it would be a shame to get stuck! So if you like to investigate, collect clues and look for a murderer all without taking your head to look then the complete solution of Detective Grimoire in video and produced by Tricera Gamez on her Youtube channel.

Let's go! the solution is proposed in four chapters ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4 and end of the game

Detective Grimoire is an appealing game in so many ways. The adventure may be short and very simple, it is based on a very successful atmosphere that gives the impression of evolving in a cartoon universe. Paced and well put together, the investigation can be considered as a good entry into the world of adventure games for novices, as a little distraction between two more substantial titles for more experienced players.

Thanks to these solutions, you will be able to finish the game without too much difficulty! And now if you want to start a new game then do not hesitate to consult on Game Over Mania all the solutions available on other games!

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