Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover without further delay the solution for HEROES REBORN ENIGMA on Android and iOS. Just know that this is an fps in which you will have to take your head to save your sister held prisoner. For this, you can use superhero magical powers: telekinesis, time slowing etc. The game is very, very successful and enjoys a satisfactory completion. The game mechanics are really catchy and frankly the game is original.
In all, and for the moment, you will have 32 levels to discover. We will therefore offer you a Complete video guide for the 32 levels of HEROES REBORN ENIGMA. I think this will help you well because beyond the first 10 levels the difficulty is quite important!
This solution is credited to rrvirus. Thanks to him for these 3 videos presenting all 32 levels.
You are ready ? So let's go !
Solution for HEROES REBORN ENIGMA - Level 1 to 32:
Level 1 to 10
Level 11 to 23
Level 24 to 32
And here it is solution for HEROES REBORN ENIGMA on Android and iOS is complete. I hope she helped you a lot and that thanks to her you were able to finish this title or pass a puzzle that resisted you. If so, so much the better! Come back and read us regularly to find out every day new solutions for all your favorite video games. You can also follow us and react on social networks and even visit our new Youtube channel. Do not hesitate to react and encourage us, this will motivate us to do even more! Thank you all and see you soon on our pages!
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