Game Over Mania presents today the Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions. This is a fighting game, using the “Dragon ball” license, which allows you to find many characters from the series. They must unite here to counter the danger threatening the space-time of the world in which they live.
Its Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions are focused on story mode (you will then discover all the side quests and other tips). A story mode that is a little out of the ordinary because, rather than offering you to relive the highlights of the series (as in every Dragon ball game), the story will instead ask you to make sure that the events of the series are proceeding as planned. In our Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions, you will discover two new villains, Mira and Towa who will try to change the course of the story, causing the death of Goku. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Trunks will appeal to the dragon Shenron, asking him to bring him the strongest person possible, so that she helps him in this quest. And that person is you… you will have to create an avatar, which will become the main protagonist of the game. Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions will help you...
Its Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions are presented to you in videos by RajmanGaming HD on his Youtube channel. The Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions below are the complete history of the game.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
Guide Part 1 - Start
Guide Part 2 - Saiyan Saga
Guide Part 3 - Saiyan Saga
Guide Part 5 - Parallel Quests 5-7
Guide Part 6 - Ginyu Saga
Guide Part 7 - Ginyu Saga
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
Guide Part 8 - Frieza Saga
Guide Part 9 - Cell Saga
Guide Part 10 - Cell Saga
Guide Part 11 - Android Saga
Guide Part 12 - Majin Buu Saga
Guide Part 13 - Majin Buu Saga
Guide Part 14 - Beerus Saga
Guide Part 15 - Demigra Saga
Guide Part 16 - Demigra Saga
Guide Part 17 - Demigra Saga - Endgame
Guide Dragon Ball Xenoverse – Fin alternative
Guide Part 18 - Bardock Saga
Guide Part 19 - Broly Saga
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
We are continuing our Dragon Ball Xenoverse solutions with, cBelow, a summary of all the Dragon Ball Xenoverse side quests as well as the places to unlock all the transformations (Note that the game does not allow, for the moment in any case, to transform into Super Saiyen 3 and 4. ):
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
00 - Parallel Quest Tutorial
- End the trial of Trunks.
- Defeat all Saibaiman.
- Defeat Raditz.
01 - World Championship Team
- Defeat Yamcha, Krillin, and Tenshinhan.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Small Battre.
02 - Prepare for the attack of the Saiyans!
- Battre Son Gohan / Piccolo.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Son Goku.
03 - Sang de Saiyan
- Beat Little / Son Goku
- Finish Raditz health above 50%
- Defeat Son Gohan.
04 - Revenge of the Saibaimans
- Defeat all enemies.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Beat Nappa.
05 - Attack of the Saiyan force
- Defeat Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta.
- Defeat all of the saibaiman without a single one escaping. (1 with Raditz and 2 with Nappa)
- Defeat the Reanimated Saiyan.
06 - Invasion of Earth
- Defeat Son Goku.
- Keep Nappa alive.
- Defeat Reanimated Son Goku.
In this quest, you will be able to unlock the transformations Kaioken and Kaioken x3 (Special Attack)
07 - explosion!
- Defeat Giant Gorilla Vegeta.
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Beat the time policeman in training.
08 - Namek crystal balls
- Collect 3 crystal balls.
- Beat guldo (before the balls).
- Find 7 crystal balls.
09 - Saiyan pride
- Defeat Son Goku.
- Finish with Vegeta's health points above 50% (do not fight with goku in the team).
- Defeat his revived goku.
10 - Down with the army of Frieza!
- Defeat all of Frieza's minions.
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Defeat Ginyu, Burter, Jeice.
11 - Commando entry test
- Defeat Burter, Jeice, and Recoome.
- Finish with Guldo health points greater than 50%.
- Battre Ginyu.
12 -Commando Ginyu and force!
- Defeat all members of the Ginyu Commando.
- Finished in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Frieza.
13 - Trio coopératif
- Beat Krilin, Piccolo and Vegeta.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Frieza and revived enemies. (Krillin, Piccolo and Vegeta)
14 - Legendary Super Saiyan
- Defeat Son Goku and Krillin.
- Defeat Krillin before Son Goku.
- Defeat Super Saiyan Son Goku.
In this quest you will be able to unlock the transformation Great Saiyen (Ultimate Attack)
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
15 - Explosion de Namek
- Defeat Frieza.
- Finish in less than 3 minutes.
- Beat the time policeman in training.
This mission ends in a few seconds. It will take you about thirty seconds to defeat Frieza and another ten to defeat the patroller. In 45 seconds, you can therefore have a chance to have a crystal ball. Otherwise the patroller will give you 2 Satan badges. The latter, depending on their rarity, sell for between 1000 and 30 zenis per unit. Note that if the patroller gives you a crystal ball, he also gives you a badge.
16 - The legend of the Super Saiyan
- Defeat Frieza:
Before attacking Frieza, enter the ship through the portal activated when the last minion dies. Going to the right as you enter, you find Krillin and Son Gohan. Talk to Krillin who will join you and talk to Son Gohan to get your health back. Let Frieza defeat Krillin. Son Goku will appear and a few seconds later, he will transform into a Super Saiyan. Once Frieza is in his final form, Vegeta will appear.
- Sympathize with Vegeta and keep him alive.
- Defeat Super Saiyan Vegeta. (This last part, triggers quite rarely, you will have to persist.)
In this quest you will be able to unlock the transformation Super Vegeta (Ultimate Attack)
17 – M. Satan concurrent
- Battre Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Krilin et Vegeta.
- Finish with Mr. Satan's health points exceeding 50%.
- Defeat Revived Vegeta.
18 - The Return of Commando Ginyu!
- Defeat all members of Commando Ginyu.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Frieza.
19 - Training
- Defeat 5 warriors
- Finish with Vegeta and Son Gohan transformed (Defeat Trunks and Son Goku first).
- Defeat Reanimated Son Gohan.
20 - Cell Junior Hunt
- Defeat 7 Cell Junior.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Cell.
In this quest you will be able to unlock the transformation Kaioken x20 (Special Attack)
21 - Start of Cell games
- Beat Piccolo, Son Goku and Son Gohan
- Defeat Piccolo and Son Goku before Son Gohan
- Win without beating Cell.
In this quest you will be able to unlock the transformation Super Saiyen 2 (Ultimate Attack)
22 - Earth in Danger
- Defeat Cell.
- Defeat all enemies.
- Defeat revived enemies.
23 - Perfect Cell
- Defeat Cell.
- Finish in 3 minutes.
- Defeat Revived Cell.
24 - Worst team
- Defeat Son Goku and Cell.
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Defeat revived Son Gohan and Cell.
25 - C-17 and C-18, the official story
- Defeat C-17 and C-18.
- Keep Vegeta and Piccolo alive:
Be careful, once in the area, give Piccolo time to appear.
- Defeat Reanimated C-17 and C-18.
26 - Extermination of the warriors - chapters of the future
- Defeat Son Gohan.
- Keep C-17 and C-18 alive.
- Defeat Trunks.
27 - Artificial Warriors
- Beat C17 and C18.
- Defeat all Cell Jr (3 in number, in the start area)
- Defeat Cell and revived C-17 and C-18.
28 - To us the crystal balls!
- Collect the 6 crystal balls.
- Defeat all Cell Jr.
- Find the 7 crystal balls.
29 - World Championship team n ° 2
- Defeat C-18, Son Goten, and Trunks.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat all enemies.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
30 - Great Saiyaman is here
- Defeat Frieza and Cell.
- Keep Great Saiyaman alive.
- Defeat the revived Frieza and Cell.
31 - Chaos majin
- Beat 30 Buu (small).
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Defeat Buu.
32 - Super Saiyens on sale
- Defeat Son Gohan and Son Goku.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku.
33 - Berserker namek
- Defeat Son Goten, Son Gohan, and Piccolo.
- Finished in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Revived Piccolo.
34 - Renaissance of the Majins
- Defeat Mr. Satan.
- Finish with Buu's health over 50%.
- Defeat the revived Mr. Satan.
35 - Game with Gotenks
- Defeat Gotenks.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat His Ultimate Gohan.
36 – Festin de Majin
- Defeat 3 Buu.
- Finished in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat the revived Mr Satan and Buu.
37 - Potalas Warrior
- Defeat Vegeto.
- Finish with Buu's health over 50%.
- Defeat Super Vegeto.
38 - Launch the super genkidama!
- Beat Buu child.
- Keep Buu alive.
- Defeat Reanimated Child Buu.
In this quest you will be able to unlock the transformation Super Vegeta 2 (Ultimate Attack)
39 - continuation of cell games
- Battre Sonn Gohan, Videl and Piccolo.
- Defeat Videl and Piccolo before Son Gohan
- Win without beating Cell.
40 - Stop Beerus
- Defeat Beerus.
- Keep all your allies alive.
- Beat Whis.
41 - Return of the Freezer Nightmare
- Defeat all enemies.
- Defeat Gotenks before Vegeto.
- Defeat Super Vegeto and Gotenks in Super Saiyan 3.
42 - power of super saiyen gold
- Defeat Son Goku.
- Finished in 3 minutes
- Defeat Reanimated Son Goku.
43 - Ancient Rivals and Crystal Balls
- Collect 3 crystal balls.
- Defeat 3 enemies.
- Find the 7 crystal balls.
44 - The god of destruction and his master
- Beat Beerus and Whis.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Reanimated Beerus.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
45 - Fight of Saiyans
- Defeat Gotenks, Son Gohan, and Vegeta.
- Finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Defeat Goku and Reanimated Gohan and Vegeta.
46 - Save the crystal balls!
- Collect 6 crystal balls.
- Defeat all enemies.
- Find the 7 crystal balls.
47 - Super Super Ultimate Fighting Series!
- Defeat Son Goku, Son Gohan and Son Goten.
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Defeat Vegeto and Gotenks.
48 - The Union of the Evil Alliance
- Defeat 9 enemies.
- Finished in 10 minutes.
- Defeat Revived Frieza, Cell, and Child Buu.
49 - Saiyan revolt
- Defeat Son Goku.
- Keep Raditz and Nappa alive.
- Defeat Vegeto.
50 - Parents and child
- Battre Son Goku, Vegeta et M. Satan.
- Finish in less than 10 minutes.
- Defeat Bardock, Raditz, and Son Goku.
51 - Intense Fight / Raging Fight / Ultimate Fight
- Defeat Broly.
- Keep the revived Goku alive.
- Defeat Reanimated Broly.
52 - Giant Gorilla Festival
- Defeat 3 giant gorillas.
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Beat the time policeman in training. (It is in the Sky area)
53 - What a duo! The non-rest of the warriors
- Collect 3 crystal balls.
- Defeat Broly with SonGohan alive.
- Find the 7 crystal balls.
54 - Saiyan Warriors
- Defeat Broly
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Defeat revived enemies.
55 - Pires Berserkers
- Defeat Son Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta.
- Finish in 10 minutes.
- Defeat Son Gohan, Broly, and Bardock.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions
So it's over for our Dragon Ball Xenoverse Solutions. Do not hesitate to leave us others in comments. See you soon on our pages ...
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