Game Over Mania presents you his solution Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ! The first Call Of Duty on next-generation consoles decides to make everyone agree by making a clean sweep of the past.
Forget about WWII. Forget the Vietnam War. And draw the line on modern wars. The new title of the license queen of the FPS decides to make you taste the wars of the future! The action is to 2050 and equipment updates: Rocket Pack, Exoskeleton, Optical Camouflage, Futuristic Weapons, etc. More than a cosmetic update, the gameplay is fundamentally changed with these weapons, and the whole game is dizzy rich, in bulk: 35 weapons, 350 weapon accessories, 15 perks, more 10 multiplayer modes, a very well done solo, a co-op mode provided, 13 maps, and ... Kevin Spacey !!!! Definitely a must. If you had been jaded like me by the laziness of the last opus, this one will give you a hell of a kick in the ass and remind you that the king is back.
We therefore provide you with our solution Call of Duty Advanced Warfare which breaks down into 15 videos. The set is captured by Alzu Gaming in Full HD 1080p. Turn off the lights, grab the popcorn, and get ready to have a hell of a time.
Soluce Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
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