Game Over Mania today offers you the Solutions de Sonic Lost World. It is a platform game available for Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and PC. Dr. Eggman has exploited menacing creatures called the Dreadful Six, but these turn on their master, forcing him to ally with Sonic to defeat them, despite their rivalry.
The Solutions de Sonic Lost World will guide you in videos from the start to the end of the game. At the start of your adventure, you move on spherical worlds that you descend at heartbeat by assaulting the multitude of enemies who block your way and avoiding the many obstacles present on your path. When you jump, a red target appears on your nearest opponent, and you just need to press the jump key again to automatically defeat him. This aiming system has already proven its worth, and is even perfectly essential in certain phases of the game.
The Solutions de Sonic Lost World are presented to you in videos by WishingTikal on its Youtube channel. The videos were made on WiiU.
Solutions de Sonic Lost World
Windy Hill
1 Zone, 2 Zone, 3 Zone, 4 Zone
Desert Ruins
1 Zone, 2 Zone, 3 Zone,4 Zone
Tropical Coast
1 Zone, 2 Zone, 3 Zone, 4 Zone
Frozen Factory
1 Zone, 2 Zone, 3 Zone, 4 Zone
Silent Forest
1 Zone, 2 Zone, 3 Zone, 4 Zone
Sky road
1 Zone, 2 Zone, 3 Zone, 4 Zone
Lava Mountain – Final Boss – Ending
Find below the “bonus” zones of the game
Legend of Zelda Zone
Yoshi's island zone
Nightmare Zone
Solutions de Sonic Lost World
Here it is, it's over for Solutions de Sonic Lost World. We hope we were able to help you finish the game. Feel free to leave us other walkthroughs and comments. See you soon on Game Over Mania
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