Zoneasolution presents this time the walkthrough of Shovel Knight part one. The game is available for download on PC, WiiU and 3DS.
Yacht Club Games signed us a little nugget. Fully playing the retro card, so dear to our gamer hearts, the game multiplies the winks to the titles that rocked us during our childhood. But much more than that, shovel knight also offers fun gameplay, flawless execution, perfectly mastered rhythm, plenty of ideas (ah! Ah! Ah!) And a good challenge. In short, we are dealing with a great success. It's not just a great indie studio game, but a truly great title that we can't recommend enough.
We therefore offer you the complete solution for this title, which we have split into 2 parts. In this first article, you will find the first 8 videos of our guide. They were captured in Full HD by Pan! C for whom we thank.
Le walkthrough de Shovel Knight 1
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 1
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 2
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 3
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 4
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 5
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 6
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 7
The Shovel Knight Walkthrough 1 - Video 8
This brings us to the end of the first part of our Shovel Knight video solution. We hope this has been useful to you and you will find the rest very soon. Do not hesitate to send us your remarks or comments, take the time to consult the other articles on the site gameovermania.com to discover all the solutions, the complete guides or the tips to help you finish your favorite games and see you soon on our pages.
Internet search:
- solution shovel knight
- solution shovel knight