Game Over Mania has this time decided to tell you about the latest addition to the LEGO franchise and unveils the Walkthrough of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Part 1.
For the occasion, it is the super heroes from MARVEL who land in the world apart from LEGO. Like the other episodes, this is still an Adventure / Action game developed by TT Games and available on ALL platforms on the market: PS3, Xbox, WiiU, 3DS, PC, future PS4 and Xbox One but also the Wii, DS and PS Vita!
Imagine that the Silver Surfer decides to take a little sightseeing tour. In the greatest of bad luck, he is attacked and his surfboard explodes into pieces, releasing cosmic cubes. These elements contain incredible power and their collection will be the subject of a great fight between super villains and super heroes. It's strange? maybe but it is the storyline of this game that will allow you to control a lot of the MARVEL legends.
So you will find just below the walkthrough of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Part 1, which includes the first 8 levels, made by PS4Trophies.
Walkthrough of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Game 1 - Level 1
Walkthrough de LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Partie 1 - Level 2
Walkthrough de LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Partie 1 - Level 3
Walkthrough de LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Partie 1 - Level 4
Walkthrough de LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Partie 1 - Level 5
Walkthrough de LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Partie 1 - Level 6
Walkthrough de LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Partie 1 - Level 7
Walkthrough de LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Partie 1 - Level 8
We will quickly put the second part of the walkthrough to you, but in the meantime, let us know your comments or remarks, and take the time to consult the other articles on the site gameovermania.com to discover all the solutions, the complete guides or the tips to help you finish your favorite games and see you soon on our pages!
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