Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover today the presentation of the solution for Kirby Planet Robobot on 3DS. This is a new game featuring Nintendo's famous gluttonous little ball in an adventure developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo. If its European release is only scheduled for the month of June, it is already available across the Atlantic, which is why we have chosen to offer you its solution before everyone else.
The story is very simple: Robots invade DreamLand. King Dedede and Meta Knight try to repel them but fail. Kirby then takes over. In different worlds, you will therefore fight robots by donning their costume in order to benefit from their super powers. In this complete video guide, you will discover a 100% solution for the 6 worlds but also for different side adventures. We hope you like this solution.
This guide is provided by NintendoU. It includes a complete guide for the 6 worlds + a guide for all the bosses, + a guide for the final boss + a guide for the Meta Nightmare Returns mode + a guide for the Arena. Note that you will find even more on his channel.
Solution for Kirby Planet Robobot:
World 1; World 2; World 3; World 4; World 5; World 6
All bosses; Boss final; Meta Nightmare Returns; Arena Guide
And here it is solution for Kirby Planet Robobot on 3DS is now complete. We hope that it was useful to you and that thanks to it you were able to move forward and finish this new episode. If this is the case so much the better, come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video games. Thank you all for reading us, thank you for supporting us on social networks to encourage us to continue our work, see you soon on our pages!
Internet search:
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- kirby planet robot solution
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