Game Over Mania presents today the Complete walkthrough of the game Final Fantasy 7 on Playstation. Released in 1998, it was the first in the series to be produced for the Sony PlayStation console as well as for computers with Windows, it was also the first Final Fantasy to use 3D graphics with characters rendered in real time. and precomputed backgrounds.
Huge critical and commercial success, the game has sold over 9,8 million copies worldwide, which greatly contributed to initiate the success of the PlayStation, as well as the export of RPGs of the same type outside. from Japan. La Complete walkthrough of the game Final Fantasy 7 that we offer shows you all the worlds of the game.
The lifespan of Final Fantasy VII greatly exceeded that of the previous sections thanks to the presence of substantial side quests. Allow between 20 and 30 hours to complete the game in a straight line, and more than three times to go around it completely. There are loads of things to do in the game, and a lot of items to unlock. However, you will sometimes not escape the tedious but necessary technique of level-up to make your protagonists powerful enough to pass certain recalcitrant enemies.
Let's go for the complete solution of the game Final Fantasy 7 presented by Fareydj on his Youtube channel…
Introduction – Episode 1
Sector 5 Mako Reactor - Episode 2
Sector 5 - Episode 3
The End of Sector 7 - Episode 4
La tour Shinra part 1 – Episode 5
La tour Shinra part 2 – Episode 6
Cloud's Past - Episode 7
A Story from Chocobo to Juno - Episode 8
Departure of Juno - Episode 9
Mount Corel - Episode 10
Le Gold Saucer – Episode 11
The Desert Prison - Episode 12
Canyon Cosmos – part 1 – Episode 13
Canyon Cosmos - part 2- Nanaki's father - episode 14
Nibelheim - Meeting with Vincent Valentine - Ep. 15
Le Mont Nibel - Ep. 16
Cid, the man from Space - Ep. 17
Back to Gold Saucer - the Stone Key - Ep. 18
the Temple of the Ancients part.1 - Ep. 19
the Temple of the Ancients - The Plan of Sephiroth - Ep. 20
End of CD1 - Painful Farewell - Ep. 21
CD2 - The adventure continues - Ep. 22
The Glacier region - Ep. 23
The wound of the planet - Ep. 24
The awakening of Sephiroth !! - Ep. 25
The attack of the Sapphire Weapon on Juno !! - Ep. 26
The Quest for the Wutai part.1 - Ep. 27
The Quest for the Wutai part.2 - Ep. 28
Corel's Mega Materia - Ep. 29
Cloud's memory - Ep. 30
Juno's submarine reactor - Ep. 31
Submarine ride - Ep. 32
The mega materia of space - Ep. 33
The Key of the Ancients - Ep. 34
The Diamond Weapon Attack on Midgar - Ep. 35
Fin du CD2 - La fin de la Shinra - Ep. 36
CD3 debut - WTF Troll by game - Ep.37
Some side quests - Ep. 38
The North Crater - Ep. 39
Final Fight Against Sephiroth - Endgame - Ep. 40
That's it for the Complete walkthrough of Final Fanatasy 7 game on Playstation. We hope that this walkthrough will have allowed you to finish the game and for sure to rediscover it on video. We wish you very soon on our pages ...
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