Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover today and without further delay the retro solution of the day: the solution for Myst. Myst is an adventure video game imagined by brothers Robyn and Rand Miller, and developed within the studio Cyan, Inc. (now Cyan Worlds). The game was edited and distributed by Brøderbund. The Miller brothers began working on Myst in 1991, and the game was released for the Macintosh on September 24, 1993. Myst then had many ports as well as two "remasterings" (Myst: L'Apogée and realMyst) on Windows (1994), Saturn (1994-1995), Jaguar CD (1995), 3DO (1995), CD-i (1996) ), PlayStation (1996), AmigaOS (1997), PSP (2006), Nintendo DS (2007), iOS (2009) and Nintendo 3DS (2013) published in Spain by Ubisoft, Mindscape, Sunsoft, Midway Games, Red Orb or even Nobilis.
In Myst you play as a character who finds himself stranded on an island, the island of Myst. He got there thanks to a book that allowed him to teleport and you will have to look for other books to go explore other worlds. The game is filled with puzzles and puzzles that were all the rage at the time. It's simple, it is a benchmark and has inspired a lot of other point and clicks thereafter.
This solution for Myst is proposed by Mr. Eight-Three-One with a video of more than two hours, available on his Youtube channel and produced on Windows 95, that does not make us any younger.
You are ready ? So let's go !
Solution for Myst:
The video
And here it is solution for Myst is now complete. We hope that it was useful to you and that thanks to it you were able to advance and finish this cult game, a title that is in the pantheon of video games. If this is the case so much the better, come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video games. Thank you all for reading us, thank you for supporting us on social networks to encourage us to continue our work, see you soon on our pages!
Internet search:
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- myst game solution
- myst walkthrough
- mystery walkthrough
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- myst solution
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