Game Over Mania today offers you the Metro Last Light Solutions. This is an FPS type game that will immerse you in a post apocalyptic future. Survivors live there in the Moscow Metro and battle each other for remaining resources while battling mutants from the surface. Artyom, the hero, must then prevent a war and reconcile the beings.
Metro : Last Light is the continuation of Metro 2033 whose solutions we presented to you last August. You will find the atmosphere of Metro 2033 with what it includes of corridors to explore while taking a back door from time to time in order to find precious ammunition or other gas mask filters. You will have to save your resources so as not to die of suffocation or to avoid falling against a powerful enemy without ammunition. The Metro Last Light Solutions will show you how to play and guide you from start to finish of the game. It is actually a video guide that will show you how to progress until the end of the game. With a bonus video that will show you the two possible endings of the game (the good and the bad end).
The Metro Last Light Solutions are brought to you by MKIceAndFire on its Youtube channel.
Metro Last Light Solutions
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5,
part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10,
part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15,
part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20,
part 21, part 22, End of Game
Below is a video that shows you the two possible endings of the game:
Metro Last Light – Both Endings (Good And Bad)
Metro Last Light Solutions
It's over for Metro Last Light Solutions. We hope we were able to help you finish the game and unlock some sticky situations. Do not hesitate to leave us other tips on the game or to share your experiences with us. See you soon on our pages.
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