Developed by Hempuli Oy, Baba is You is one of weird games. Yet it is terribly catchy and particularly complex, which is why this solution for Baba is You should be very helpful to you. How's it going ? In fact it's a puzzle game with a dozen different worlds with more than 200 levels in all. The title is still quite short but fortunately. The puzzles he offers are particularly difficult and video guide for all worlds of Baba is You should be especially helpful to you.
Edit of 30/04/2019: I finally finished the complete video guide for all levels.
Each of the levels offered to you has rules of the game. However, you will be able to change these rules by interacting with the different blocks present in the level. So I can not tell you what goal you are pursuing to move to the next level because it can change depending on the level you are in. It's really very original and eye-catching. Be aware, however, that Baba is You enough to make you go crazy! Because behind her cute and childish appearance hide one of the most difficult games of recent years.
This solution for Baba is You is offered by Noire Blue with a complete guide for all levels.
Solution for Baba is You:
part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4; part 5; part 6; part 7; part 8;part 9; part 10
part 11; part 12; part 13; part 14; part 15; part 16; part 17; part 18; part 19
part 20; part 21; part 22; part 23; part 24; part 25; part 26; part 27; part 28
part 29; part 30; part 31; part 32; part 33; part 34
And here it is solution for Baba is You on PC and Nintendo Switch is now complete. We hope that it was useful to you and that thanks to it you were able to move forward and finish this new puzzle game. If so, so much the better! Come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video games. Thanks everyone for reading us! Please support us on social media to encourage us to continue our work. See you soon on our pages!
Internet search:
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- bana is You solution Switch