Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover without further delay the presentation of the solution for Furi available on PS4 and PC, recently. To be clear, this is the hardcore feeling right now. If you like demanding challenges, then the title of The Game Bakers will delight you. You play as a ninja locked up and held prisoner by 10 guards (with two different endings). The graphic style is original and reminds a little Afro Samurai with garish colors, but also and above all with incredible electro music.
You will therefore be fighting against all these guardians and you will have to hang on to see the end of it. Note that this video guide will offer you a method to advance and finish the game: you can imagine that there are several ways to beat the bosses. But hey, this solution for Furi is here to help you and show you how to move forward. We hope it will be of use to you.
This solution for Furi is brought to you by StevenEngage with a complete guide of 11 videos to beat all the bosses and finish the game in two different ways. Note that boss 1 is proposed by Keith Ballard.
Solution for Furi:
Boss N°1; Boss N°2; Boss N°3; Boss N°4; Boss N°5; Boss N°6
Boss N°7; Boss N°8; Boss N°9; Bad end; Boss N ° 10 good ending;
And here it is solution for Furi on PS4 and PC is now complete. We hope that it has been useful to you and that thanks to it you have been able to advance and finish this new hardcore action game. If this is the case so much the better, come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video games. Thank you all for reading us, thank you for supporting us on social networks to encourage us to continue our work, see you soon on our pages!
Internet search:
- Furi solution
- solution furi
- boss furi
- furi boss name
- furi boss
- furi solution
- Soluce furi ps4
- furi how to beat the samopurai
- Soluce de furi ps4
- furi boss list