Hello everyone and welcome to our pages to discover today the solution for The Division, a game available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It is a very successful action game, published by Ubisoft, in open world in which you will have to get out of contamination. Indeed, a disease spreads during Black Friday in the United States (the day of the big sales), and you play a surviving agent whose mission is, with others, to take back New York in chaos since: your adventure indeed begins two weeks later.
Graphically quite huge, with original gameplay possibilities (gadgets etc), The Division is undoubtedly the game of this month of March. In any case, player feedback is pretty good and in this article I offer you a guide for the title's single player campaign. I hope this helps you to see a little more clearly and to pass some passages a little more complex.
This solution for The Division is offered by MKIceAndFire on its Youtube channel with 20 videos.
Lets' go !
Solution for The Division:
part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4; part 5; part 6; part 7; part 8; part 9; part 10
part 11; part 12; part 13; part 14; part 15; part 16; part 17; part 18; part 19; part 20
And here it is solution for The Division is now complete. We hope that it has been useful to you and that thanks to it you have been able to advance and finish this new adventure and action game. If this is the case so much the better, come back and read us every day to discover daily new solutions for all your favorite video games. Thank you all for reading us, thank you for supporting us on social networks to encourage us to continue our work, see you soon on our pages!
Internet search:
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- the division walkthrough
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