Game Over Mania presents today the Thief game solutions sur Xbox 360, Ps3, PC, Ps4 et Xbox One. Thief is an infiltration game in which you play as Garrett, the king of thieves, unwillingly drawn into a plot that could destroy the City. You will need to use your infiltration skills to weave your way through various environments to end the threat to the city.
Even if Thief is full of flaws with ultra dirigiste and not adapted levels, limited movements of Garrett and etc, I would stop there! Thief still manages to entertain us with some good hunches and his cold vibe and I'm sure he will be able to excite a few fans. It is for these reasons that we offer you the Thief game solutions in videos. They are brought to you by theRadBrad on his Youtube channel.
Let's go!
Part 1 – Prologue
Part 2 – Lockdown
Part 3 – The Mask
Part 4 – Weapon Upgrades
Part 5 – Queen of Beggars
Part 6 – Follow the Dead
Part 7 – Mannequin Jump
Part 8 – General’s Ring
Part 9 – The Escape
Part 10 - Erin's Hideout
Part 11 – House of Blossoms
Part 12 – Dirty Secrets
Part 13 – Friend In Need
Part 14 – The Great Safe
Part 16 – DO NOT ENTER!
Part 17 – A MAN APART
We now continue with all thief game success:
- Between Obsession and Compulsion (5) - Find all the treasures and objects in the same chapter.
- Sleight of Hand (20) - Search 100 pockets in a single match
- Quick Pick (10) - Pick a lock at lightning speed.
- A Personal Affair (100) - Successfully complete the game on a Custom Difficulty of 700 or higher.
- The Dark Archer (20) - Successfully complete 10 optional Thief Challenges.
- Legend of Leather (75) - Successfully complete 25 optional Thief Challenges.
- Impeccable Condition (10) - Complete 3 chapters in a row without taking damage.
- Stay Focused (5) - Search a pocket and pick a lock using your focus.
- Moral Victory (100) - Complete the game without killing or knocking out anyone.
- One Step Ahead (20) - Neutralize 10 traps.
- The Clear Mind (30) - Reach the final chapter without ever having used your focus.
- Times Are Tough (60) - Complete the game on “Master” difficulty.
- In All Modesty (30) - Score over 5 points on a challenge card.
- Child of Shadows (10) - Complete a chapter without alerting anyone.
- William Tell (10) - Break a bottle in the open with an arrow.
- Warning Danger (25) - Kill or stun 10 people using your surroundings.
- Priceless (20) - Complete a collection of treasures.
- Community of Goods (40) - Complete all of the Treasure Collections.
- Secret Plan (20) - Discover 15 secret areas.
- Whole Home (40) - Discover all secret areas.
- Vending Machine (100) - Spend 40 Gold.
- Overtime (40) - Complete all additional City contracts.
- It's Pretty (80) - Complete all of City Basso's contracts.
- All That Glitters (15) - Steal 5 treasures.
- More flights, slower (30 points) - Complete the game in 15 hours or more.
That's it, it's over for the solutions of the game Thief. We hope that they have enabled you to finish the game or to unblock yourself from a dead end. See you soon on our pages.
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