Game Over Mania brings you the walkthrough of The Last of Us: Left Behind. This is the newest DLC for the fantastic game of Naughty Dogs, exclusive to the PS3.
The Last of Us is one of the titles that will go down in the history of the PS3, even of the video game itself. Joel & Ellie's Adventures in a Devastated, Monster Infested Universe is a monument of survival / action game. Through his very worked scenario, and a realization to die for, the player will really live a memorable experience. This DLC entitled Left Behind is integrated between 2 chapters of the story (between Spring and Winter, but shh! We will not spoil anything…) and will put you in charge of Ellie who is looking for drugs for Joel. You'll also get plenty of flashbacks immersing you in Ellie's story and get to know her friend Riley.
We remind you that you can find the complete solution of the original game by clicking here. Rather short (count 3 hours of play during your first game), this episode sold for 15 euros is especially worth because it will allow you to dive back into the desperate universe imagined by Naughty Dogs in a new chapter. It will also give you some additional explanations to the base game (For example: But how did Ellie get a bow?) And allow you to vary the game experience a little. Indeed Ellie is far from having the strength of Joel, or its arsenal. We will therefore have to play it fine and not rush into the heap. You are going to feel even more vulnerable than ever. Here is the walkthrough of The Last of Us: Left Behind, in the form of a long video captured in HD 1080p by Duskbit.
Le walkthrough de The Last of Us : Left Behind
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